Approved by SirHadoken
Approved by SirHadoken


Elder Moderator

Country: USA

Age: 17

Team: GeoStorm


SirHadoken is a well known Creator in Geometry Dash. He has over 100 Creator Points and also got 3 of his levels in the Gauntlets.


His favorite level is "Destination Utopia" by Gibbon765




SirHadoken's personal note

"The pursuit of fame lies across a cold and bumpy sea of hills; the pursuit of self-satisfaction lies along a road paved in gold. While both destinations are rewarding, the journey behind them is what constitutes the perspective of the traveller."

- SirHadoken 2018

He got Official Helper the 15th of March 2017, then advanced to GD Moderator the 22nd of May 2017.

Then, followed by the release of update 2.11 on the 13th of November 2017, the "Elder Moderator system" was added to the game and SirHadoken was immediately granted this role.