This profile is not approved by Jghost yet. Some info might be wrong, should be edited or is missing.
This profile is not approved by Jghost yet. Some info might be wrong, should be edited or is missing.



Country: USA

Age: 18

Team: GeoStorm


Jghost is a well known Geometry Dash Creator, mostly known for making themed levels, and his occasionally modernistic levels.

He builds on mobile, and use PC only for combining megacollab parts or bypassing object limits.

Most of the art he does in his levels are first drawn before being implemented in the level itself. He normally draws out points of rotation and plan out the arts movement before making it as well.

He has been attempting to master each creating style, and the only ones he had trouble with so far are design and core styles.


His most popular level is "Bread Head", which was only made because of a joke with Pauze.


His favorite level is "Ink Machine II" by KittyDoge.

Jghost's personal note

"Treat every level like a movie"

- Jghost 2018

He got GD Moderator the 26th of August 2018.


  • Due to complications at birth, he shakes badly at points which can make building difficult.