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Approved by Berkoo
Approved by Berkoo


No longer a Moderator.

Name: Berk

Nationality: Turkish, German

Team: GeoStorm


Berkoo is a popular creator in Geometry Dash, mostly known for making rather easy design and art levels with predictable gameplay.

He started playing GD in version 1.0, and is still playing to this today.


He usually creates design levels, but he will create art ones from time to time.

He tries to make levels that players will enjoy.

Some of his levels have many downloads, (two of them have over 10 million). His levels are usually rated "Normal" to "Harder" difficulty.


His favorite level is Peasy World by DimaVikulov26


He got GD Moderator the 27th of May 2017.

Then, followed by the release of update 2.11 on the 13th of November 2017, the "Elder Moderator system" was added to the game and Berkoo was immediately granted this role.

He got unmodded the 1st of October 2021 due to inactivity.